Built from Broken: A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body – Pina Books
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Heal painful joints, prevent injuries, and rebuild your body from the ground up.
(If mainstream fitness advice has left you broken down and beat up, it’s time for a new strategy.)

Most middle-aged fitness enthusiasts and athletes have been dragged down by joint pain, injuries, and other ailments commonly accepted as “part of getting older.”

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

In fact, anyone can conquer joint pain and rebuild their body.
It simply requires understanding the hidden causes and a road map (this book) that leads to the solution.

Built from Broken presents a paradigm shift in how to think about corrective exercise, sports nutrition, and joint health.
Once you see how the system works, you’ll never look at exercise or joint health the same way again.

Part 1 lays the foundation for understanding why your joints are breaking down.
You’ll learn:

  • The 5 primary causes of joint pain.
  • How to prevent the “Big 3” injuries that trap you in the Pain/Injury Cycle.
  • Why conventional pain management merely masks symptoms (and 3 natural pain relief techniques that actually work).
  • How to identify and fix muscle imbalances that lead to tension, pain, and injuries.
  • Natural injury recovery strategies that improve healing time and tissue repair quality.

Part 2 gives you a step-by-step corrective exercise guide and list of action steps to rebuild your body from the ground up.

  • The ideal training schedule to maximize muscle recovery and connective tissue repair (in as little as 2 days per weekat any age).
  • Illustrated corrective exercise instructions (with several home workout options).
  • How to strengthen joints with cutting-edge connective tissue training techniques.
  • A step-by-step training program complete with workout routines.

Whether you have been training for a few years, a few decades, or have never stepped foot in a weight room, it’s not too late to overhaul your body.

If the conventional path of lifting and stretching has left you broken down, why not try a new strategy?

This book is your way out of the pain/injury cycle.

All you have to do is follow three simple steps.

  1. Read the book.
  2. Follow the action steps inside to resolve your pain.
  3. Implement the 4-week corrective training program outlined in the book.

Just imagine, in 4-8 weeks from now, you could be in a pain-free, mobile, strong, and functional body.

One that allows you to do the activities you love, push the limits of your capabilities, and achieve your true physical potential.

This process can start for you right now.

All you have to do is click the “buy” button and order your copy of Built from Broken.

66 reviews for Built from Broken: A Science-Based Guide to Healing Painful Joints, Preventing Injuries, and Rebuilding Your Body

  1. Barb B (verified owner)

    This is a well-written and comprehensive instruction manual for optimum physical health. Without drugs and surgery, this book points the way to achieve pain free health and mobility.

  2. Matthew (verified owner)

    Recovering from and ankle surgery and decided to give this a go during my boredom. I was impressed w the number of references and the movement away from static stretching to planned, intentional dynamic warm ups. I’ve started some of the upper body dynamic warm ups I am able to do and will be excited to get back to the gym and try this out in it’s entirety. I am 35 and healthy besides my 2 recent ankle surgeries and some intermittent shoulder pain in my right shoulder. I will post here w my progress. I was also impressed I reached out to saltwrap to get some guidance re: any supplement suggestions and got an email from Scott and not an automation.

  3. nogard (verified owner)

    Lots of useful information. Step by step guide on how to heal your body from injury or overuse

  4. Kevin Hatch (verified owner)

    First off, kudos to the author for having the wisdom and initiative to take the road less traveled in the fitness world. Both his theoretical perspectives and his concrete applications deeply resonate with my own fitness journey, both as a client and a coach.

    I’ve been an athlete my whole life, starting ice hockey and soccer at age 5, playing through high school, getting immersed in endurance and outdoor sports during college, finding and falling deep into the CrossFit world in my early adult years, branching out into more focused gymnastics and mobility and movement-quality based paradigms and eventually transitioning from the hardcore dogma of “constantly varied functional movement at high intensity” to a more mellow, Daoist-like fitness philosophy. And, that philosophy cannot be better summarized than by the words of Lao Tzu himself:

    “Men are born soft and supple; dead they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant; dead, they are brittle and dry. Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death. Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life. The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevail.”

    Such words fly in the face of today’s conventional fitness values that seem to always amount to an egotistical ambition to be 1) appealing to the opposite sex and 2) intimidating to one’s own sex (assuming the athlete is heterosexual) and that the pursuit of these ambitions requires you to regularly endure PAIN, as in “no pain, no gain.”

    What I like about Scott Hogan and others like him (Jerzy Gregorek, Tim Anderson, Dr Eric Goodman, Ben Patrick) is that they take ego out of the fitness equation by waking people up to a fundamental truth: you are not meant to be in pain. Pain, unlike what the ego tells you, is a sign that you’re doing fitness wrong, not right. Hogan’s book indeed takes this big picture approach and challenges readers to zoom out and reevaluate why they’re really training in the first place. For that alone, I’d say it’s worth a read.

    Another thing I really like about Hogan’s work is his emphasis on joint health and range of motion as the non-negotiable foundation of all meaningful health and athleticism. Just stop to think for second: of what use is strength or muscle size if you’re unable to simply occupy natural human positions? Any fitness paradigm that does not have mobility and movement quality as its foundation is a house of cards. Strength, power, and speed are all great, but when developed at the expense of natural range of motion, those “gains” eventually become “glitches.” Kudos to Hogan for creating a program that will help exercisers of all stripes to repair and rebuild a solid foundation for pursuing their fitness goals. This is a great resource for anyone interested in staying supple and strong for life.

  5. ClickIt (verified owner)

    I’ve made a fairly serious effort at following Scott’s program for about six weeks now as I let a hip ailment mend. I appreciate the variety of the prescribed stretches and exercises and have made the morning mobility routine a regular part of my day. I feel that my flexibility and mobility have both improved in that time.

    That said, implementing this program is no easy effort. You will need a variety of equipment at your disposal. He offers some ideas on getting by with less, but in my experience you just need the equipment or access to a reasonably well-equipped gym. A weight bench, dumbbells, elastic bands, kettlebells, Swiss ball, pull-up stand or rack, and maybe a suspension trainer gets you in the game.

    Beyond that the challenge is the daily TIME required to follow the program. The morning mobility routine takes me approximately 20-25 minutes-not bad considering the benefit. The workouts themselves take longer as they have several dynamic warmup exercise sets prior to the exercise portion of, again, several sets.

    All good, but working all that into your every day schedule requires that you place a high priority on the effort. Overall, yes, it’s a good program for joint/flexibility/mobility focus, but having a PT professional assist and coach you is probably advised for most people. My background is 30+ years of various workout and physical training programs. I have my own well-equipped 1200 sq’ gym. Good luck and keep moving!

  6. burt wurley (verified owner)

    Good but kinda a rehash of movements you can find online or will be told to do by any therapist. Confirms what you already know. So I guess that’s good…

  7. Julian Delphiki (verified owner)

    In addition to my regular physical therapy for multiple serious injuries, I finally have been allowed to return to the gym to workout on my own.

    I was at a complete loss as to what muscles to work and how to work them when there are still joints and muscles that are damaged and weak.

    This book greatly helped me find a way to exercise while injured and not increase my injuries or pain. In fact following this book’s advice I no longer have Leg Days or Glute Days or Arm Days at the gym. Every time I workout I work my entire body. All muscle groups are worked when I’m at the gym.

    Balancing working each muscle group in the safest way possible to achieve the best result without causing further damage. I feeling the difference in all my muscles and I’m not leaving the gym in pain or experiencing increased pain and soreness at home hours later.

    I have shown the book to two of my physical therapists and let them read through it and see if they agree with Scott approach and reasoning behind working out and rehabbing injuries as well as avoiding developing new injuries from working out.

    My main physical therapist actually bought the book too and is working to incorporate the training suggestions into his therapy plans.

    My Orthopedic Surgeon approves of this books methodology so that seems great to me and my recovery.

    This book has been a great help and its encouraging. Exercises that I couldn’t do before reading the book I can now do with the books suggested modifications.

    Definitely work the price and time.

  8. JJ (verified owner)

    I’ve been on hypertrophy programs … strength programs … calisthenics … you name it. Micro‐injury after injury. And I’m only 37!

    I started on this program, because I wanted to start training for LONGEVITY. Living a long, healthy, pain-free life.

    And I’m telling you, I’ve had a marked reduction in injuries. The only minor injury I’ve had on this program was one day I decided to try the RDL dumbbell deadlifts and overdid it. Personally, I’d avoid those if you are lifting heavy like I was. That’s because my grip was giving out and I was fatigued and making some jerky movements.

    Instead of RDLs, I’d recommend doing weighted extensions or glute-ham raises for the lower posterior chain. The author’s Swiss ball leg curls are also highly recommended.

    I’m on my third or fourth cycle of this program. I love it. I do some of my own exercises though, still keeping the basic template the author outlines.

    If you’re a hard-core lifter like I am and sick of injuries, and you wanna start training for longevity and overall health and functionality, get and follow this book.

  9. Beth M (verified owner)

    Bought for someone else

  10. Renegade Nate (verified owner)

    As someone that has owned a fitness business and been in the industry for 15+ years and has “worked out” ever since my senior year in high school (when I was skinny, weak, and small), I own hundreds of books on training and nutrition, I’ve attended countless training seminars, I’ve been certified by StrongFirst, RKC, Underground Strength Coach (and others), and I’ve met many of my favorite fitness personalities in person (Ian King, John Berardi, Alwyn Cosgrove, Dave Tate, Charles Staley, Dan John, Pavel Tsatsouline, Eric Cressey, Zach Even-Esh, and many more!).

    What does that have to do with Built from Broken?

    Everything I’ve learned and used can be found in this book!

    When I started reading, I immediately saw how much of what Scott recommends is what I’ve been using for years. It works!

    If you’re dealing with joint pain (shoulders, back, knees, etc.), then do yourself a favor and pick up this book. The warm-up routines, exercises, and workout plans will HELP you get out of pain and back to training.

    I highly recommend this book to everyone to help treat (and prevent) joint pain and mobility issues!

    Does Scott recommend supplements he sells? Yes. Do they work? Yes. But you’ll have to decide if you want to try them or not (you don’t have to).

  11. DepecheMe (verified owner)

    The book is fantastic. From the scientific explanation of what bones do during workouts, an osteoblast, to formulating a program which causes tendon healing, I recommend this book.

  12. Crystal V. (verified owner)

    First off, this isn’t a “quick fix” book at all, its packed with information about how and why joint issues. movement disorders and muscle imbalances occur. It’s a guide for how to strength train to overcome those issues, which he lays out clearly takes time and dedication

    At the end of the book is a workout plan, and thorough explanations/pictures of each exercise. The way he’s crafted everything made it so easy to get started, stay motivated, see progress, and advance. I’ve made my way through his entire set plan, and am on my second round of personalized custom workouts (which were really easy to set up fast, all the exercises are labeled to make it easy to find one that fits for a particular session). I have built a ton of strength in my legs, back and arms, and I have far fewer problems with my knees (patellar tendonitis) and hips (trochanteric bursitis) and shoulders. I actually look forward to working out 3-4 times a week now, it’s become a habit I enjoy and benefit from.

  13. Cheryl R. (verified owner)

    This was a good book to read if you want to lessen aches and pains as you age. As a runner I found good information in this book.

  14. David Hoder (verified owner)

    This was a great book but the workouts for bulletproofing joints are heavily biased toward being in a gym and lifting weights. Even the home workouts assume you have a set of dumbells. While there are alternatives with body weight and bands some of the exercises just don’t translate very well (cable pull-thru for example is useless with a band). Also the wrists seem to be somewhat ignored in favor of the more common knee, elbow and shoulder problems.
    I think the author would have done well to consult a gymnastics or calisthenics coach for some better variations (and maybe a bit more wrist focus) with no weights.

  15. Mels (verified owner)

    I read a lot of health and exercise research, listen to podcasts, watch summary videos for funsies. I get that not everyone wants to do this. This book was a delightfully explanatory read not only of things you should be doing, but WHY, with lots of supporting research cited. I frequently read things and get irritated when I’ve read research in direct contradiction. That didn’t happen with this book – pretty much everyone he goes over was inline with the hodge podge of research and studies I had already learned about, except it’s laid out in this book in a logical order with actionable recommendations connected to them.

    I happened to be reading this right at the same time I incurred a spinal injury and had to go under for emergency surgery, so I’m still on lift and exercise restrictions, but plan on utilizing the programs laid out in the book when I get back into it.

  16. Benito Flores (verified owner)

    The pictures are in black in white they lack detail and are too small

  17. JSmith (verified owner)

    Easy to read and understand

  18. Tiziano Alberti (verified owner)

    Libro interessante che permette di acquisire nuove conoscenze poco trattate nel campo del fitness.

  19. Matt G (verified owner)

    This is a great book if you have pain and don’t know what to do to fix it. The only reason I didn’t give it 5 stars is because I believe a couple of the exercises are not the best for someone having pain. He has you doing the cossack squat and goblet squat, these are both great exercises. The problem with this is that if you can’t perform a basic bodyweight squat with proper technique you should not be doing it under a load. Many people with lower body pain have poor mobility and can’t do these exercises correctly. There should be a progression built into these before you try to do it weighted. Other than that I think the book is definitely helpful and full of good information.

    I originally gave this book 4 stars, but have updated it to 5 stars. I decided to Email the author with some of my concerns and he actually emailed me back with suggestions to suit me! Scott has taken time to help a customer and I greatly appreciate that!

  20. Joe Shapiro (verified owner)

    On the whole I love this book. It’s a long read so a bit of a slog but it’s all good stuff and the workouts, though I’m just starting them, seem way better than anything I’ve done before.

    One thing that could easily be improved and make the book much easier to use:
    make the exercise lists in the workouts clickable so when I click on one it goes right to the “how to do it” section in Chapter 11 Mastering the Movements.

    As it stands I’m taking photos of the paperback edition’s chapter 11 and arranging them in workout order in photo albums on my iPhone. This is a pain but I’m not sure of a better approach. I could also print the photos and arrange them in order – but having clickable links is one of the big features of an eBook so not sure why it’s not used here.

  21. Stephen Mcerleane (verified owner)

    Good prescriptive books can do wonders, but they must be taken as mere(?) suggestions. So weigh the advice in this book against your life experience and what you read elsewhere. There is a flood of good information these days. Learn how to evaluate it, and seek it out.

    I only open with those caveats so I can say without hesitation that this book is excellent. Buy it, and keep it nearby. Go back to it again and again as you progress and learn. I have.

    As the title makes clear, Scott is fully aware of the nagging injuries that hold so many of us back, and all the suggestions in the book keep that in mind. Unfortunately most young people will ignore its advice. I used to be one of them.

    Don’t let movement become a burden.

  22. beccareviews (verified owner)

    I had high hopes for this workout. I had injured my shoulder, it bothered me for years. I had an MRI, it had a lot of tears. Last year I injured it worse, I dug out a sapling tree and put in a new one, and that hurt it worse, then did some painting of three rooms and it got even worse. From this book I follow the daily morning routine, and I used the intermediate program along with the shoulder stability exercises. I am average active person, I am in later 50’s, I run three days a week in summer and now I do the daily 20 minute walk the program suggests. I love it. I think all older people should give this a try. Its so easy and you dont do the exercises fast, but the routine is very quick! I would it if love the Author, Scott Hogan would also make these into exercise card deck so it is easier to get started and to create your own plan after you have worn out the plans he put together. You can just video tape yourself doing the routine(s), and play it back to get started quicker than turning pages in the book. Scott, I would by your card deck if you create one!!!! Thanks for writing this book. Better than any doctor or PT and you can avoid surgery!!!! Bonus is your entire body will get strengthened and you will feel it. Buy the book!

  23. Maribeth Yoder (verified owner)

    I was in a car accident 15 years ago, and have had 18 orthopedic surgeries over the years, including 3 total joint replacements (ankle, hip, knee). Even though managing pain is a significant part of my day, I try to stay active as much as possible- walking, swimming etc. I recently injured my other hip and was told to go to physical therapy. I’ve decided I’d like a longer-term solution so I’ve purchased “Built from Broken”.

    It took me a while to get through all of the chapters, and I have to admit I skipped over a lot of the parts with words and concepts that were out of my vocabulary. Otherwise it’s informative reading that makes sense. Mostly easy to follow with a logical progression to the chapters. I’m ready to start the Beginner Program, and am hopeful that as I progress I will have built a better body that experiences less pain.

  24. EL (verified owner)

    Overall really liked the book and read through with interest. I own a gym can use many things here to help my members and also make my training team better. The training programs are IMO more therapeutic than athletic as far as getting generally stronger, but the book is about healing, so this is understandable. I docked one star only because…I’m not sure why….I guess only because the book took quite a long time to read yet a lot of the info is applicable over only relatively short times, like a month or so. For the longer term, 1/2 year or more, I wouldn’t really know how to apply the advice. Also, there is a bit of shortage reference to acute injuries (ACL tears, for example) or malformation problems, which I encounter alot. He does address these, yes, – for example debunking the standard go-to RICE protocol – but I think its a bit surface.

    I have people with severely constrained movements in knees and other body parts and the mobility drills he shows will not resolve these problems. But perhaps I’m expecting too much, it is not a medical textbook… lets say if I could give 4.5 stars, would have done. If this topic is of interest to you you’ll not be making a mistake to invest in this book….

  25. Collin Powers (verified owner)

    My name is Collin Powers. I am not a professional “reviewer.” You can look me up on the internet – – I retired six years ago from my position as Director of the USA Volleyball High Performance Dept in Colorado Springs. I am well acquainted with training methods and have pursued various rehab methodologies for the past 40 years (knees, shoulders, elbows, hips, etc.) and have had four major “fix-it” surgeries (one Achilles tendon repair, one meniscus surgery and two should replacements). I am not getting paid a dime for saying this … but the training/rehab approach set forth in this book is the most monumentally helpful information I have ever read and encountered. The United States should pay this guy enough so that this information is distributed to every American over the age of 40. I am not kidding.

  26. Susan Walsh (verified owner)

    I am a certified 500+ hour yoga instructor who specializes in therapeutics. I am also a personal trainer & fitness instructor. I bought this book hoping it would help me become a better teacher & to help my clients. The book did not disappoint. I love this book and have used many concepts from it. I highly recommend it and wish Scott would write another one.

  27. Princess Di (verified owner)

    Best book about how the human body works ever and it’s interesting to boot! I speed read through the first half and I’m just now starting to adopt some of his training methods for my own body. I have two knee Replacements and a hip replacement and I intend to get back from broken to heal and as best as I can. This is a fabulous book Thank you so much!

  28. GahDoor (verified owner)

    I am truly broken, with both SI joint ligaments torn and a noticeable spiral of scoliosis down my back. Everything I do on one end impacts the other, so my exercise regime is very specific and very limited. Vary your sports, kids, and just avoid skateboarding altogether. Ha ha. Excellent info and perspective on collagen, joints, ligaments, tendons, etc. Great reading to gain perspective when the pain’s too bad for anything else.

  29. Fancy7of9 (verified owner)

    This book is a must for anyone trying to function better. I have been struggling to learn how to walk again after going through a surgery from a spinal access that left me completely crippled. I have been working with a physical therapist for 9 months now and have made huge progress despite not being expected to walk again. But I was struggling with progressing in the last couple of months. Upon getting this book I immediately started reading it and was suddenly able to piece together what the problem was and this enabled me to understand and apply what my physical therapist was telling me and working with me on in a much more productive way. It resulted in a complete breakthrough in my ability to walk better. The author explains how your body functions in such an easily understood way. If you are struggling with an injury or mobility issue or just wanting to function better, then this book is a must. Don’t hesitate, just buy it and read it. It’s helping me and I know it can help you to.

  30. Edward L Hutchinson (verified owner)

    Good product

  31. PugLover (verified owner)

    I got this book because I knew nothing about physiology. I have some issues with my core including loss of flexibility and weakness plus trying to deal with the affects of arthritis and knee surgeries. I needed to know more to help myself and not depend on a physical therapist (some of which are not created equal!) and to do so respecting the fact that I have an “older” body. I needed explanations of why and how to do exercises and movements that would not over do but yet help in the long run to regain strength and mobility, and this book has helped me do that. If you want to take better care of yourself, you have to keep both your mind and body healthy simultaneously. Luckily I have a very healthy, active mind and now I feel that my body will soon be as healthy again. I may not ever be 21 again, but I think I’ll move better and start to desire being more active. Live moves fast; you gotta keep moving!

  32. Oana-Maria (verified owner)

    The book is a breath of fresh air.
    Easy to read , easy to understand and most importantly full of educational, concise information.
    He’s not trying to sell anything, he is not trying to change your mind about anything.
    Loved it , super helpful on so many levels regardless if you’re an elite athlete , fitness enthusiast or someone with a 9 to 5 desk job.

  33. Carl M. (verified owner)

    A lot of good information.

  34. Piotr vol (verified owner)

    Well written book that gives the understanding of what and how to achieve the ability to grow in your athletic pursuit with a focus on injuries and strengthening stuff that no one talks about in mainstream exercising culture well done

  35. Nicole G. Eastly (verified owner)

    Incredibly thorough and well presented. Perfect for anyone, including and especially those of us with old injuries and out of shape. Lots of theoretical and practical foundational knowledge and designed for you to get started independently at home or at a fully-equipped gym. Very happy with the purchase.

  36. Tom Worcester (verified owner)

    I felt the book was very interesting and it has a good application for the exercises. Do’s and Don’t

  37. Tiffany Kramer (verified owner)

    I love the explanations and the exercises. I was feeling beaten up after playing pickleball 6 days a week for 6 hours a day. Once I would sit down for a few minutes I couldn’t get back up without everything hurting. A few weeks of using this book and now I am not in pain. Still playing just as much pickleball. Just not experiencing the pain.

  38. das goot (verified owner)

    excellent book, full of a ton of info. more of a textbook than a workout book but I knew that before purchase.

  39. J. Vanek (verified owner)

    There are many good books about exercise, others about nutrition, and yet others about rehab exercise.
    This author managed to easily weave practical information about ALL of these, well divided into chapter that are easy length. And I was able to start putting bits of the info IMMEDIATELY to use. Good chapter about various types of available collagen supplements, what do they support, and it is all supported by the latest research.That chapter alone to me was worth purchasing the book. And I am a professional.

  40. CBlueSkies (verified owner)

    Do you ever question what is happening to my body?? Well if you do, this book is for you! Great reference book. Great things to put into practice. I have recommended this book to my seniors of my chair yoga class, to help them understand their bodies with all the ache and pains.

  41. Keith Coffey (verified owner)

    First of all, many thanks to the author, Scott H. Hogan. After reading Built from Broken, I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can and will get into the best shape of my life in my 50s. I’d been looking for this book for at least ten years, but to no avail. Now that I’ve found it, I’m following it to the letter. And I’m getting results!

    I’ve told as many people in my age group as I can about the book. I’ve also iterated and reiterated to my children to get an exercise routine going now (they are 9 and 11) because it’s easier to stay in shape than it is to get back in shape.

    Again, this is the last fitness book I’ll read because I felt broken before I read it, but now I know that I can use that brokenness to build a foundation for my best body ever.

    Thanks again Scott!

  42. TeacherSP (verified owner)

    Highly detailed explanation of joint, tendon, ligament health. Detailed to a fault. I already learned several new ideas that I plan to incorporate into my fitness routine. This would make a great gift for anyone over 40 that is interested in staying fit and healthy.

  43. Sprintmama (verified owner)

    I wish I found this two years ago, but I am very happy I now have this resource. Highly recommend to anyone with age related pain/joint issues.

  44. C. Joachim (verified owner)

    I took several books to a 10 day trip to the beach, but ended up reading this one. I wanted to take it all in, and really understand the science behind what we are made of (bones, all the connective tissues, synovial fluid, collagen, etc.), have a better understanding of how we become injured, how we can heal, what to do and not do (doctors often give bad advice), what to do immediately after an injury, and how to not re-injure ourselves. This is a very wholistic book and looks at the entire picture. I’m glad he included a chapter on long term injuries, what it can do to our posture, and that many people need to go to someone who specializes in exercises that will correct our imbalances and posture problems. My advice, if you realize you need this, go to an Egoscue clinic/therapist – they are “postural therapists” and they saved my life. Read my review on “Pain Free . . . By Pete Egoscue “. I have about 12 Egoscue exercise “menus “ l do and am adding his Body-Weight & Weighted Mobility Sequences. Lastly, the author, Scott, may want to add more to his website or the next book on essential vitamins and minerals. I had tennis elbow in both arms 6 years ago, did everything to get over it, and after 1.5 years I finally completely healed by talking magnesium, l was apparently deficient, and without enough, your muscles do not relax after exercise which is needed for healing. People who exercise a lot are more likely to be deficient. Overall, Great Book.

  45. rebecca (verified owner)

    Really well-written!! This book conveys complex scientific information in a way that I clearly understand and can explain to my partner who doesn’t really enjoy reading about this content. It’s helpful for understanding how and WHY to change my approach to exercise & supplements which is the information I wanted, couldn’t find online in a concise format and needed!

  46. AJ (verified owner)

    So much great information in this book if you want to heal and be active. I highly recommend it.

  47. James Herf (verified owner)

    This book completely changed my outlook on fitness as well as my exercise routine – all for the better. The author gets into the fundamentals and science behind rebuilding your body and rebounding the right way from injury. He then curates a bevy of unique and highly effective exercises into three workout programs – beginner, intermediate or advanced. The exercises greatly and quickly improved my flexibility, mobility and strength. I am a middle-ages male without major physical disabilities. I was suffering from a bad intercostal strain that bordered on a rib stress-fracture in the thoracic spine. Couldn’t laugh, cough or lay down without acute pain. I spent six weeks on the intermediate workout program, followed the nutritional recommendations (including supplementing my diet with “extra” protein), and was able to completely vanquish my injury within six weeks. So thankful for this book. So we’ll researched and throughly organized. It has also armed me with several great stretches, yoga poses, and isometric exercises that Inhad no idea existed. These have been great pre- and post-sports exercises that have helped me maintain my strength and mobility since coming back from my injury. Can’t recommend this book enough – particularly for middle-aged or senior injured athletes in sports requiring flexibility like tennis, golf or pickle ball.

  48. Francesca DeCarlo (verified owner)

    Just started reading, but already learned a lot about how I can take better care of my health.

  49. Playa,sol y Arena (verified owner)

    Very Detailed

  50. Carolina Espinosa (verified owner)

    I mm loving this book so far! 😱😱🤗🤗

  51. Amy (verified owner)

    My husband has horrible arthritis (since he was in his 20s) and we have both broken vertebrae in our pasts. This book has nutritional help and exercises… so many useful ideas. I have a BS in Exercise Sport Science (it’s basically Fitness and Nutrition) and specialized in mature adult fitness and post-therapy recovery training, and this book has introduced me to new concepts that I appreciate and respect. So far so good. My husband seems to be doing a little better each day. Meds can only do so much. This book teaches us all of the other great things we can do. A little change here and there can lead to bigger changes down the road if we just stick with it. Wonderful book. Thank you!

  52. Evelyn Barnhart (verified owner)

    Title says it all. Not one thing wrong with the book. Buy.

  53. Mark S. (verified owner)

    This book gives so much useful information. I’m 4 weeks into healing my Achilles with load training. My knees are pain free. The only thing is I’ve scoured the book for hand issues and find nothing but the glide stuff I’d already been doing. Can you load your fingers? Your thumb? How do you treat hand joint issues? If the hand is mobile, then stretching is not it? That’s what I take from the book, but strengthen distal to the hand? I just want to get back on my bike and the only thing stopping me now, are my hands. Help for hand joint pain is missing in the book.

  54. Roy Burtrum (verified owner)

    This book is well illustrated to give you clear pictures of how to perform the recommended exercises, which are very effective at relieving arthritic pain.

  55. Kenneth Ganslen (verified owner)

    Get it ring bound ( Staples$4.00)
    Some real reading to do but don’t skip it.
    Exercising without knowing what and where you are working on may just add problems.

  56. HumanPerson (verified owner)

    Bottom line: highly recommend when used in conjunction with an Ellie Herman Pilates book and gentle cardio of your choice
    Pros: clear language makes technical jargon understandable, varied stretches and exercises, modifications photographs and descriptions
    -Cons:. quite a bit of equipment (weight bench, pull-up bar, cables, multiple kettle weights, etc,) is needed to complete the entire program, but I can make do with an exercise ball, step, hand weights, resistance bands, Pilates bar, yoga ball, foam roller; no modifications for immobile ankles or knees

  57. Maik (verified owner)

    Libro muy completo pero en ocasiones demasiado técnico.

  58. Juan Marcial (verified owner)

    Recommend for good information regarding one’s holistic fitness approach. Will learn something out of it.

  59. Josh (verified owner)

    I’m a CPT and functional fitness has always been my goal when working with clients. This has given me a huge arsenal of useful knowledge. Seriously so good. And well written!

  60. N (verified owner)

    Just a chapter or two into the book so early to tell but I think this is what I was looking for

  61. Roy (verified owner)

    This is a long book – excellent for people like me who like to work on substantiated information. He goes into considerable detail about the underlying physiology which makes it easier if one has to modify a routine to suit one’s personal abilities. I have knee arthritis and a bad shoulder which make some routines more challenging than others. With the information the author provides, I feel comfortable modifying the exercise routines until I am recovered enough to perform them as written and described.

    This is my initial review. I will update this as needed.

    In summary – excellent book and highly recommended.

  62. JustAGuy (verified owner)

    Detailed, easy to understand, awesome.

  63. Literat (verified owner)

    Dieses Buch ist sicher nicht so einfach zu lesen, wie manche Schnellempfehlung in Fitness-Zeitschriften, aber alle Aussagen sind sportwissenschaftlich fundiert. Es wird sehr vollständig ausgeführt, was wirklich wichtig ist, insbesondere das, was man früher als “Ausgleichstraining” bezeichnet und immer vernachlässigt hat. Es finden sich sehr gute Hinweise auf Schmerzbehandlung und Verletzungsprävention. Ich ziehe einen Punkt ab, weil auf Triggerpunkte in der Muskulatur praktisch nur in einem Nebensatz eingegangen wird. Die Beseitigung dieser Punkte stellt aber oft einen wesentlichen Zusatz in der Schmerzbehandlung dar.

  64. Gregory Brylski (verified owner)

    I’m over 65, and bought this book when a 20-something ‘trainer’ nearly broke my back with barbell squats. I wanted to know what when wrong, and so purchased a lot of training books to study the issue. Guess what, 90% of training books are based on unfounded science and ‘trainers’ who are already fit, but don’t really know what they’re doing.

    So, this book goes into how muscle and connective tissue is generated, inflammation after injury, nutrition recommendations for repairing injured connective tissue, what exercises you shouldn’t do (i.e., remarkably benches, barbell squats, and other heavy exercises), etc., all for someone who is looking at just building strength over a longer term (not necessarily for ‘muscle beach’ type people. There’s even a long-term plan for training. Are all the exercises given described correctly – no, world’s greatest stretch is actually an advanced exercise for someone older like myself; and one should actually consult the Stuart McGill’s back training book for how and why to do bird dog, cat-cow, bridges, etc. exercises for the back – especially if one is building back from a back injury.

    But overall, this is probably the best training book of the over 15 books I’ve purchased. I wish I had read this before I started training after a slight layoff. I was already fit, but not trained properly – so this book would have helped me a lot – especially the advice not to listen to any 20-somthing trainer who doesn’t read, and says the exercises are obvious.

  65. Silvabacks (verified owner)

    Great book to relax your mind when it comes to your average joint pain. It really helped me understand some of my issues a little better than my doctor cpuld

  66. Dave and Gayle (verified owner)

    Love this book. It is in my garage gym all the time so I can used it at a glance. I am 64 and a cyclist. I have been reading a lot about how anyone my age needs strength training. Started to get some serious knee pain during squats. So much so it affected my cycling. Bought this book and it is a life saver!! No more knee pain. Actually all my pain is gone. Wish I had this 40 years ago. I have read a lot of books on this subject and it is by far the best

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