Glute Lab: The Art and Science of Strength and Physique Training – Pina Books
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For more than twenty years, Bret “the Glute Guy” Contreras has been on a quest to improve human performance, focusing his research on the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle in the human body. What started as an effort to improve his own weak, flat backside quickly evolved when he discovered the wide range of functional movements to which the glutes contribute. Properly trained glutes not only help you lift heavier, jump higher, sprint faster, and swing harder but also help prevent knee, hip, and lower back pain and injuries. Bret went on to earn a doctorate in sports science and is now known as one of the world’s foremost experts on strength and physique training.

After helping thousands of people reach their strength goals and achieve their ideal physique in his world-renowned training facilities, Bret brings you Glute Lab, which pulls his field-tested and scientifically proven methods and techniques together into an all-in-one glute training system that will help you develop leaner, rounder, stronger, higher-performing glutes. This all-encompassing guide explains why glute training is important for health and performance, how the glutes function, what critical role they play in the body, and how to design the optimal training program to accomplish your aesthetic and performance goals. This book offers thirty-six weeks of programming and several training templates for those who want to dive right in, breaking down each technique with step-by-step photos and descriptions. Bret also reveals the most common faults people make when performing these movements and offers hundreds of tips for getting the most out of every training session. You can implement his system in your local gym or even in the comfort of your own home.

Glute Lab is more than just a book on glute training. These principles and methods can help you maximize muscle growth and strength, improve body composition, overcome training and physique plateaus, train around injuries and discomfort, determine ideal training frequency and exercise selection, design periodized programs, and so much more. In short, this book gives you the tools to make strength and physique gains and design balanced programs that cater to a wide range of goals and work for your entire body. Whether you’re a regular person looking to improve your appearance, an athlete looking to boost your performance, a physique competitor or bodybuilder looking for an edge over the competition, a powerlifter looking to increase your strength, a CrossFitter inspired to gain knowledge, a personal trainer interested in offering your clients cutting-edge training techniques, or a physical therapist looking to improve your clients’ health, Glute Lab will equip you with the information you need. In this book you will learn:

• The fundamentals of optimal glute training
• The anatomy and function of the glutes
• How to select exercises based on your physique and training goals
• How to perform the most effective exercises for sculpting rounder, stronger glutes
• Variations of the hip thrust, deadlift, and squat exercises
• Sample training templates and splits that cater to different training goals and preferences
• How to implement advanced methods into your training routine
• Diet strategies to reach weight loss and body composition goals
• Sample glute burnouts and templates
• Twelve-week beginner, intermediate, and advanced full-body training programs with a glute emphasis
• How to design your own customized training programs
• How to overcome plateaus in training, strength, and physique

55 reviews for Glute Lab: The Art and Science of Strength and Physique Training

  1. Anon (verified owner)

    I remember when I first discovered Bret on Instagram. I began doing some of the workout videos he posted. I then proceeded to buy his Strong Curves book and complete those programs; which were very different to how I had been training for he past 6 years. His training methods worked wonders for me, so I went ahead and joined his Booty by Bret online. I was ecstatic whenever he made the announcement of his new book. I am already a two chapters in, and I love everything about it. The breakdown of everything that he researches, the scientific sections, the diagrams, the explanations, the photos of exercises are beautiful. This book is truly written for all types of people, whether you’re a beginner or advanced. Bret is always sharing knowledge that I continue to use in my training and see improvements. I 150% recommend this book!

  2. Ben S. (verified owner)

    This is really an impressive offering. If you follow Bret Contreras on Instagram, you have already received a ton of free knowledge from him. He’s put all of that and more into this book, and it’s quite impressive. I was initially just impressed by the weight of it. Obviously, that’s no real indication of how good the book is going to be, but this thing is dense. Bret definitely gets into the why you need to train glutes, how it all works, and how to put it into practice. The whole book is about 600 pages, and you get 200 pages of exercises. He has so many variations described there, and in such detail, where that would probably be worth the price alone. But there’s so much more. Overall, I’m really happy I pre-ordered this book and was not disappointed to get it. I’m really loving how much stuff is in here and can’t wait to put it all into practice.

  3. Melissa Smith (verified owner)

    I am a Bret Contreras fan so I couldn’t wait for this book to come out. It is fantastic! It is well organized and comprehensive, but broken down int easily consumable bits. He includes tons of pictures and explanations. If you want to train effectively and efficiently get this book. You won’t learn just what to do, but why you do it. He gives many workout programs for many different workout styles so those of us on a budget get extra value. I already had his Strong Curves book so I wondered if I’d be wasting my $ on this one. While many of the principles are unchanged, this new book gives you so much more. I am so glad I have it and I’d encourage anyone considering it to buy it. I am confident you will use it and refer back to it for years to come.

  4. Katelin (verified owner)

    I wanted to completely finish reading this before leaving a review just to make sure the whole thing was as good as the beginning, and quite honestly, it was even better than expected. This has to be the most complete and comprehensive book on glutes ever conceived. (It might also be the most helpful book about training that I’ve ever read.) There is NOTHING about the glutes that isn’t covered here: anatomy, mechanics, functionality, training, sample workouts, exercise descriptions. Bret goes into how he constructs (and personalizes) workouts for his clients, so if you’re looking to create your own workout, this will tell you how. He not only goes into the how but the why behind each recommendation, so you understand every exercise and variation and how it will work for you (which I find makes my workouts more productive). I am NOT any kind of fitness competitor or athlete; I’m just a normal woman who would like her hips and back to stop hurting (and who wouldn’t mind regaining the fullness I once had round back). I work out in my basement, and I don’t have a lot of equipment, but I’ve been following the programs in Bret’s other book, Strong Curves, for about 4 months, and the gains I’ve made in strength are pretty damn amazing. I can only see those gains increasing after reading Glute Lab. This book was admittedly quite dense and I wondered how long it was going to take me to read, but it goes quickly, and it kept me riveted the whole time. The writing style is personable and although the content gets scientific, it’s never hard to understand. There are excellent descriptions and photos of all the exercises, and the infographics make pertinent information easy to find. If you’re a fan of Bret’s work, or if you’re just hungry for quality information on glute growth, I can’t recommend this book highly enough.

  5. Kristine Cecilia (verified owner)

    I’ve been following this man online for a few years, and he’s always on top of the latest and greatest when it comes to Glute science. So when I heard he wrote a book I was so excited and when one of my favorite female fitness personalities Chrisanna said she was using his book.. well I had to get my own. I did not expect this thing to be anywhere near as huge as it was. So it’s safe to say that for the amount of money you’re getting ALOTTTT of info. It’s as thick as an encyclopedia. And it’s full of so much info that most body builders rarely ever talk about. You will vaguely get these things explained in body building forums, or mansplained in a very complicated way. Bret breaks down the info in the most simple terms possible, everything is easy to understand. I’ve wasted so much money on crappy IG fitfluencer train like me programs that are one size fits all, and end up doing more harm than good. This is the best money I ever spent on a fitness related book. Also bought the Glute Loop and it’s awesome to use along with the book. This will be considered a fitness bible in the future for sure.

  6. Gimmeelipstick (verified owner)

    My husband bought this for me and WOW!!!!!! I cannot tell you how incredibly impressed I am with this book. It exceeded all my expectations. It’s essentially an education in kinesiology and exercise science. I have recently been certified as a personal trainer thru NASM and also spent two semesters in a college certification program that consisted of a rigorous curriculum with courses in kinesiology, physiology, anatomy, and nutrition (that’s why I chose this particular college). This book covered so much of what was required knowledge for all of us in our college program/classes. Not only that but this includes information on how to tailor nutrition for your personal goals, exercise modifications, and amazing program design. This book is THE BOMB. Thank you To the authors. The time, effort, and knowledge you have put into this is so appreciated and is truly mind blowing!!! Get this book!!!

  7. Mike Chronley (verified owner)

    I’ve been following Bret’s work since he was a crazy person shoving research folders into the hands of T-nation editors and he’s never been the type to take shortcuts. He’s your favorite influencer’s favorite coach, and not for nothing. This book is long, I mean like textbook long, and dense enough to take notes on.

    Interested in a few fun stories, pictures of butts, and a tip or two? go follow him on Instagram. This book is an open love letter to the posterior chain and a resource of significant value; it’s more expensive than most best selling paperbacks because you’re getting a whole lot more. I’m confident that if you read this cover to cover and digest even half of it you’ll be better informed than most people at your gym.

  8. MH (verified owner)

    One of the most knowledgeable dudes in the game right now. I had already been reading and studying Bret’s Strong Curves book for a while. I thought that was a pretty impressive book and I got pretty good results from implementing the methods and programs that were illustrated in Strong Curves. But when Glute Lab arrived at the door? HOLE. LEE. SH!T. This book is massive, MASSIVE and packed with sooooooooo much content. I’m hooked on learning more. I cannot say enough positive things about this book and am so happy I preordered.

    THANK YOU BRET!!!!! For doing all this amazing research over the years (and sharing all of it with the WORLD). And thank you for being such a valuable, knowledgeable, and credible expert In the fitness industry today.

  9. Amanda Bonnington<span class="a-icon a-profile-verified-badge"><span class="a-profile-verified-text"></span></span> (verified owner)

    I’ve been following Bret and his work for about 4 years now. I wanted to grow my glutes so I did a quick Google search and found his article about the hip thrust. Since then I’ve purchased several of his pieces of equipment, along with his other book ‘Strong Curves’ and none of it disappoints! This book takes the cake. I’ve not even looked through half of it yet and I’m already learning so much information. This guy knows his stuff, and I’ve seen so much muscle gain because of his knowledge. He is humble and smart, and doesn’t charge and arm and a leg for things he puts out. Highly recommend if you’re wanting to build your best body!

  10. AJT (verified owner)

    I started my weightlifting journey with Strong Curves back in 2014 I wanted a better body, and the trainers I paid got me no results. The information on getting women results was pretty limited to high reps and low weight, Bret’s book changed the game. I continued my education in college as an Exercise Science major. Now as a personal trainer myself, Bret’s influences from his book were always utilized in my program development. With his latest book he goes further in depth about muscle development in general and really gets to the meat of glute training. Which is revolutionary, there was no information in this area, and I’d always wanted a better looking butt as have many of my clients. I feel like this is a must for anyone in the strength and conditioning community. I mean anyone! It expands on knowledge you already have, and for someone just learning about weightlifting mechanics or new the the names of anatomy, it does a good job of breaking it down and not overly complicated. It also explains program design and progressive over loading. Which is something that personal training courses completely overlooked in their certification programs. Glutes have never been a priority for most big name body builders that have put out information guides, they were completely unaware of how they built their own glutes, and some are just genetically gifted. From someone that had potential to build from nothing to actually seeing progress to having the look I want with fuller rounded glutes— I highly recommend picking this up. It’s not an over night fix, but you’ll see results quickly and it will take consistency and years in to develop to your full potential. But it is achievable!

  11. Cree tech (verified owner)

    Wow! This book is amazing! I am a mom of four and really want to get back into shape. I don’t have time to go to the gym and get a personal trainer, but I still want to know what I am doing. This book has more info than I would ever get from a personal trainer where I live. Bret has poured so much valuable information into this book. It has so much valuable information that can’t be found elsewhere.

    I am a little bit of a science nerd, so the fact that he discusses the studies where he was able to pin point which move helps glute growth most, with actual numbers and measurable outcomes makes me so happy!

    I wish everyone would get this book because the glutes are really the foundation for a strong body. Without strong glutes we start have knee pain, lower back pain, pelvic floor problems and the list goes on. And yes I said pelvic floor.

    Ladies! Are you listening? This book shows different moves that my pelvic floor physical therapist told me I need to incorporate into my training. So this book is so much more than training to get bigger glutes (although that will happen).

    Bottom line. Get the book if you care about how to properly take care of your body at the gym. You won’t regret it!

  12. Robin & the Offspring (verified owner)

    Where do I start? I recently discovered Bret on Instagram and loved the tips he would give about building glutes. I am 6’0″ and pushing 50, so I needed help with growth. When I found out he was publishing a book, I instantly pre-ordered my copy. This book is a treasure trove of knowledge…from anatomy, to programs, to exercise execution. The little tweaks here and there he provides in his book have already had an enormous effect on my glute workouts. He clearly explains WHY you need to do certain movements. It has been a fascinating read, and I am not even done with the book yet.

    This book is so impressive. So much so that I have already recommended it to a gym friend that has ordered her own copy. Thanks to Bret, the secret to great glutes is now out there for all of us. You will love, love, love this book!

  13. Suni Marie (verified owner)

    I am a huge Bret Contreras fan and was super excited for this book to come out. I’ve been following him on Instagram for several years and am so happy that he created this very comprehensive resource. It is amazing! The book includes tons of pictures and illustrations and explanations. If you want to train effectively and efficiently this is the book to get. Every single movement is explained and describe in detail which is so helpful, especially if you are at all like me and train alone. There are so many workouts, in many different styles, so everyone can find what they like and need. I will use and refer to it, probably forever.

  14. ggs (verified owner)

    I have followed Bret since 2011 he has always been a guy willing to get in the trenches and find out what works well and why. This book is a culmination of years of knowledge and dedication to growing glutes. It’s not all he knows about but it is what most know him for. The first thing is the size of the book it is enormous and the quality and contents of information is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Thorough isn’t even an adequate description I don’t know if there is one that comes to mind. Regardless of your training age or gender, this book will ensure that if you follow his principles your glutes will grow. He can be our patron Saint of Glutes freeing the world of the dreaded affliction of pancake ass. In all seriousness, you will not be disappointed with the purchase of this book or any of the books he has written. Bret Contreras has out done himself with the Glute Lab book I wish I could give it 10 stars.

  15. Portal rules (verified owner)

    I love Bret’s first book “Strong Curves” and highly recommend you buy that as a lead in. But this one really gets into the deeper details AND extensive exercises (even beyond Strong Curves).

    I’m logic based and need to know the why to get motivated.

    I also like that it’s a great balance of giving you the straight scoop (you need to do a little heavier lifting beyond body weight) plus permission NOT to overtrain.

    I’m almost 50, very lean (aka butt challenged) but also responsibly dedicated to my health and workouts.

    I got great ROI from Strong Curves years ago. I’m super excited to dedicated the next 6 months to see if I can grow my butt back and be proud to walk away naked.

  16. Adam Lambert (verified owner)

    What a fantastic resource! First, the quality of the book itself is fantastic. It’s easy to follow with high-quality images and illustrations backed up by simple explanations. Don’t get me wrong, there is more science in this book than most people will care to read but the good news is you don’t have to read it to get everything you need to know. Second, this book is about training, not just glute training. If you did a word search and replaced every instance of “glutes” with any other muscle group it would still be the most complete strength book I’ve seen. Bottom line is that anyone who trains themselves or clients will get a ton out of this book. Worth every penny.

  17. Andrea Catanese (verified owner)

    This is the best book by far I have ever read. Bret leaves no room for questions. He explains every exercise possible, what it works, and every variation for it while showing photos on how execute them. This book is a staple if you want to master the art of glute training. I cannot express enough how much I have enjoyed reading this book and how much my glutes have grown because of him🙌 He doesn’t skimp on his research skills either. I can say 100% that any other book he writes, that he puts this much effort in, I will pre order once again! Pre ordered this when I first found out he was writing it and never once regretted it!

  18. NCB (verified owner)

    If you want to improve your glutes and your entire body this is the book for you. If you follow Bret’s workouts and methods you will improve way more than you expected. I bought his book Strong Curves 18 months ago. I followed the workouts as closely as I could. I stopped doing cardio except for walking outside a few times a week. People ask me what program I’m following at the gym now. I have increased self confidence. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in after going to the gym for 12 years. If you feel like you need to up your game, track your workouts and follow the workouts in this book or strong curves. You will not be disappointed! Bret has the best books and programs out there. You will know more about safe effective workouts than the trainers at your gym. Just watch….

  19. EL (verified owner)

    As a strength trainer and gym owner, I’d rate this book as SUPERB. First of all, it’s about much much more than glutes. Rather, there is useful training science here for every scenario. More so and better presented than you’ll find in 98% of other fitness/training/strength guidebooks.

    The graphics are beautifully done in terms of communicative value. The writing is clear, comprehensive, and comprehensible. The advice is practical, applicable, and just damn interesting to read if training is an important part of your life. There are 100’s of nuances and tips on training modes and variables I’d never really seen articulated like this before. The book never becomes a stuffy snobby science class like that monster “Supertraining” by Siff and Verhansh…sp?).

    Rather, this encyclopedia (what it really deserves to be called) is a seminal work, on level of Rippetoe’s Starting Strength, Dan John’s best work, and (IMO) Enter the Kettlebell etc by Pavel.

    In short, great work. Costs less than a meal for two at a restaurant and offers a lifetime of useful advice.

    Only complaint, not really a complaint but just ironic, it’s l-o-n-g…500+ pages, no waste, so you’ll need gumption to read through entirely, but isn’t that so for most things worth doing?

  20. Freya Christie (verified owner)


  21. tracey lawford (verified owner)

    I pre ordered this book when it came out in September 2018 and along with the book Becoming a supple tiger it’s amongst the BEST fitness books out there, It was also so worth the wait. but if you want to build a shapely backside this is the MAIN man. A lot of people are misguided about squats being the best exercise for your butt but oh no it isn’t. The Hip thrust is by far and away the king of the glute builders. Having strong glute muscles helps you in so many ways , better runner less likely to get back pain to name two. I follow Bret Contrares on Instagram and you tube but I’m also doing his programme. I love it and I’ve got the best backside I’ve had in a long time and I’m no spring chicken! This book is worth its weight in gold. Please don’t be put off by the price it’s WORTH every penny and more. You will not REGRET it!!

  22. Rachael Renk (verified owner)

    Like many people who bought this book, I started as a beginner with Bret Contreras’ earlier book, Strong Curves. Strong Curves was essentially my fitness bible. The Glute Lab takes everything that I loved about Strong Curves and multiples it by ten. It’s a hefty book, but the beauty is that you can flip around the well organized sections and start working out right away even as you work your way through the theory, background, research, and other advice on your own terms. Contreras’ advice is so logical, practical, and realistic – his science backed programs and advice were instrumental in my decision to stop following silly fitness fads and diets. The Glute Lab is going to be invaluable for anyone who reads it, regardless of gender, current fitness level, background, etc., but as a woman it’s particularly impactful to learn that you don’t have to run yourself ragged or starve yourself to be “fit” and “healthy”.

  23. Dana (verified owner)

    It is a really good book, full of scientific background for the excercises and options for doing them depending on your body type (I specifically love this, thanks a lot Bret!), but I hate that it comes in hard cover only, and it’s gigantic!! so it is very uncomfortable to carry around for reading and consulting.

  24. Alana (verified owner)

    I’ve been following Bret for a few years now and he does not disappoint with this book! I have always been self conscious of my butt. Unlike a lot of transformations/clients I had a booty prior to discovering Bret and the hip thrust. I have a pair shape and carry most of my weight in my butt, thighs, and legs. Even with a BMI of 21-22 I had a sagging butt with poor shape and saddle bags. I gained about 20 pounds 2-3 years ago and this further accentuated the problem. I lost the weight pretty quickly, but finally put the work in and completely transformed my rear. For the first time ever I see my butt as an asset not a a figure ruining part of my body. I’m implementing this book to further refine my shape, I hope to lift my butt a bit more, build some more volume in my upper glutes, and level out my quad dominance. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves the gym as well as newbies!

  25. NLC23 (verified owner)

    This book is great! It is full of information! As a personal trainer, exercise physiologist, and cardiac rehab specialist, I have had my share of college education. I wish this book was around when I was in school. I no longer personal train clients, but do continue to workout and want to improve my fitness and overall health, and this book is full of the scientific information that I love to read and also full of information that is relayed in terms that can be easily understood. I feel the text is written in the sense that the author is speaking to you. I like that. It makes it easy to read and understand. I have been following Bret on social media for years and was so excited when this book came out.

  26. Bailey A. (verified owner)

    I think this book is an absolute gem for those looking to advance your training and for those who are interested in learning about the scientific mechanics/methods behind the text of his training methods. There is a part of the book called “science talk” and this is what I bought the book before, besides the obvious glute gains of course. I knew Bret would deliver when it came to all of the scientific research and anatomy of the body, going into detail of what muscle part is being hit primarily vs. secondarily, etc. It’s been hard to put the book down for me, but I’m definitely pacing myself, I still have to train and put this knowledge to use in the gym anyhow! Highly recommend getting this book!

  27. Chelsea (verified owner)

    I am a certified personal trainer and have been for 7 years. This book was better than my course materials.

    It has everything in an easy to understand way, explanations, science, programs for any type of person (3x a week people, beginners, powerlifters, competitors… literally everyone can use one of these programs) and an extensive exercise library.

    He explains benefits of more advanced things but keeps the basics at the forefront.

    I recommend this to all my friends who ask me for help getting in shape. The one thing to keep in mind is that this is glute focused on conjunction with maximizing aesthetics and performance. It won’t prepare you to run a mile, or for a power lift meet. But it will supplement any program you’re on or you can pick one of his programs for general fitness and aesthetics if you don’t have one.

  28. lamourrosa (verified owner)

    Not only am I here because I want to help Bret get to 1000 reviews, but I’m mostly here to show my support. I LOVE this book. I’ve had it since October and it’s been great! You can tell how much research was done to create this book! The programs in it are AMAZING my glutes were so sore for the first time in forever! Definitely recommend, especially if you’re a beginner and don’t know where to start. I also have his “glute loop” band ! Bret is the only person I trust when it comes to growing not only the booty but your body as a whole ! Now I have to stop myself from buying all this equipment lol

  29. Brooke (verified owner)

    This book is nothing short of amazing. It is dense – I have had it about a month and in all honesty I have not read the entire book cover to cover. I started with the workouts and have been reading mostly about the science behind some of the exercises as well as tips to optimizing performance on these exercises. You will 100% get what you pay for.
    For reference, I am a 40 yo active duty female and almost 2 years postpartum. I started with the novice program because I really wanted to improve my form. I would just add resistance bands and dumbbells as I got more comfortable. You can absolutely add modifications and I’ve definitely used the Glute Lab YouTube videos for referencing.
    I bought the book before the whole COVID-19 collapse and it has been a lifesaver during this as we are in Italy and cannot even go outside for a walk. Thank you so much and congratulations on an exceptional piece of work!!

  30. Steffan Kabul (verified owner)

    Price point is worth it.
    Close to 600 pages of information man.
    Tons of information on the glute aka booty
    Easy for Beginners to understand if you are new to training.

  31. Joanne H (verified owner)

    A lot of info crammed in this book!

  32. Shapedbysharifah<span class="a-icon a-profile-verified-badge"><span class="a-profile-verified-text"></span></span> (verified owner)

    It’s an ok book! I feel like I could have googled half of it but it’s a little more detailed and all in one source so that helps.

  33. Birgita cameron (verified owner)

    It was a bit too complicated to me I just got bored trying to read it. I gave it to my personal trainer and she loved it

  34. RSJ (verified owner)

    I’ve followed Contreras for at least a decade and the man knows glutes. He’s the foremost expert. From his videos to his writings, he has shaped his craft well and provides all the essentials one needs to sculpt the shape and performance from the glutes. I have his Hip Thruster and Short barbell for the lifts and it works great. If you are looking for the Bible of building glutes this is it. He goes deeper into the training aspect than most people will need but more information is better. If you’re a glute training follower, there’s a lot in the book you likely already know but there are insights and tips that made the book worth the purchase for me. If you’re new to the subject or to the training, it’s a must have.

  35. Why am I forced to put a name (verified owner)

    This book is a good book to read for general information. I found that the book is written in the way he speaks in interviews: all over the place and sometimes I don’t even know if he answered the question (or in the book’s case, is he still talking about what the section was supposed to?). He also talks over and over again about hip thrusts (like his interviews), and we kind of got the point that it is one of the best glute exercises by the third or fourth page. Throughout the book it is like tangents on hip thrusts in random sections. Like I said, this book is a great resource but maybe someone could have helped him edit it to be less tangential and a little bit more organized and flow better. Overall, I like the book and it is worth it the purchase.

  36. odalys g. (verified owner)

    El libro está muy padre. El contenido es muy bueno. Pero la calidad no. Me llegó un poco golpeado. Es pasta dura pero es algo frágil. Solo cinco meses después el libro ya se despegó. La mitad del libro se desprendió.

    I love this book but the quality is bad. The book arrived a little damaged and 5 months later, half of the book falls apart.

  37. Rich Catone (verified owner)

    Regardless your fitness level or the reason behind buying the book, what a book. If you are a BC follower you know he does not BS…he restates what he believes, he has experimented, experienced and demonstrated results!!! I love you Bret and by the way the gift with the book… I am in W6 results are showing…so, I will continue to work the BC way!!

  38. Latasha Paul (verified owner)

    Book is very big and heavy, maybe partially because when I bought it I had a broken finger. But to take any info out to make it smaller would be silly. If you are looking to improve your physical appearance this book is for you if you are ready to do the work it takes! Lots of notes already in this book and thanks for all the effort put into it by Brett. He knows his stuff when it comes to gluten. Lots of progress made already with simple exercises that don’t hurt. He explains how you should have a mind to muscle connection to help you feel more of what you are doing. Genius even though I think I was partially doing this already, having it explained in depth made alot more sense. Powerful stuff.

  39. Julie Auler (verified owner)

    Love this book! So glad it’s not just about aesthetics, but also about function and which movements target specific glute fibers. There is also a different approach from the low-rep programs out there. Contreras explains how to use different lifting techniques in depth and has workout programs for wherever you train. Great job!

  40. J. S. (verified owner)

    I’d expect to pay $200 for a book this heavily researched and detailed – this is a full-on textbook, guys. You will not see overnight results… lifting takes time to change / recomp the body. But this book is beyond worth it. I’m slowly incorporating his methodology into my workouts over time. Already seeing results compared to what i was doing before. This is sooo worth the money if you’re committed to lifting and want to learn how to target the booty more on “leg day”!

  41. Brian Scott Johnson (verified owner)

    I’m really impressed with the training and the in-depth explanations provided by the author. Science based training that delivers.
    After 4 weeks I feel that the focus on the glutes has been well worth it. I also like that even though the glutes are the center piece, the rest of the body is trained equally well.
    I have a BS in movement and sport science and the science is sound and applicable.

  42. Dan Rogers (verified owner)

    I’m 100 pages in. I’m a huge fan of what I’ve read so far, very informative. More of a book on fitness in general with a glute focus. Don’t look at the title and think it’s just gonna be a book about glutes.

  43. Jamahl Gow (verified owner)

    Great knowledge. I have been following this guy for 16 years, truly knowledgeable on bodybuilding, strength training and of course GLUTES!!

  44. Rachel Pitts (verified owner)

    This is the ultimate textbook on glutes. How they work, how to optimize training them. Bret does an excellent job of explaining in science need tech talk, as well as straightforward conversational tone that you can use in the gym immediately. Highly recommend for anyone who cares about their physique.

  45. V. Goldberg (verified owner)

    I’ve been waffling back and forth for months since I saw this book and finally purchased it. The book is big enough to be a great wrist/hand exercise. It has everything AND I do mean everything you’ll ever need to know about that large muscle mass called the glutes. I am looking forward to incorporating some of the exercises into my current routine.

  46. Julissa (verified owner)

    Brett will always be the Glute Goat

  47. Melvin Chan (verified owner)

    The book gives a very elaborated and comprehensive description and explanation on engaging and strengthening the glute muscles.

  48. dwilson113 (verified owner)

    What a great training guide that focuses on the glutes. Contreras has made a career out of studying the glues and it comes across in so much detail and practical guidance about how to structure workouts. I’m in it for the strength gains applies to golf as well as general fitness as an older adult, not the aesthetics or body buiilding which seems to be the primary target for the book. But my glutes are recovering some of that “buns of steel” quality I had in my youth, and I think this book can help older people prevent falls too. Bret Contreras, Ph.D. is a good follow on YouTube and Instagram. The book is very readable, with extensive photos and graphics, as well as a variety of recommended training schedules and alternative exercises for overall fitness. The book is relatively expensive, but I have no buyer’s remorse.

  49. Emanouela (verified owner)

    Its a very detailed book with lots of pictures and examples!a few things i would admit its a bit difficult to understand them fully but obviously are written for the professionals

  50. Sarah Mason (verified owner)

    Bret is pretty amazing. The knowledge and info he crammed into this book is really a fountain of physical fitness wealth! It’s loaded with scientific studies, methodology, diet pointers, and workout routines. This. Book. Is WELLLLL worth your dollars.

  51. Eli Maldonado (verified owner)

    Love it helped me amp up my workout routine goes in too so much detail just great

  52. Renae B. (verified owner)

    I love this book. it has numerous exercises and easy to follow instructions.
    I have never found a better book for a glute workout.

  53. Jmae (verified owner)

    Very detailed book on exercises (legs in general), form, muscles worked, recommended reps/sets. Looking forward to trying out some new exercises.

  54. Carolina Espinosa (verified owner)

    Add to cart and you’re on a new learning experience. I personally love Brett Contreras he is amazing in what he does and how he coaches.

  55. Uriel mejia jr (verified owner)

    This is one hefty book. Way bigger and heavier than I had thought before I bought. Great read

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