Rebuilding Milo: A Lifter’s Guide to Fixing Common Injuries and Building a Strong Foundation for Enhancing Performance – Pina Books
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Every athlete who spends time in the weight room eventually deals with pain/injury that leaves them frustrated and unable to reach their highest potential. Every athlete ought to have the ability to take the first steps at addressing these minor injuries. They shouldn’t have to wait weeks for a doctor’s appointment, only to be prescribed pain medications and told to “take two weeks off lifting” or, even worse, to “stop lifting so heavy.” Dr. Aaron Horschig knows your pain and frustration. He’s been there. For over a decade, Dr. Horschig has been a competitive weightlifter, and he understands how discouraging it is to tweak your back three weeks out from a huge weightlifting competition, to have knee pain limit your ability to squat heavy for weeks, and to suffer from chronic shoulder issues that keep you from reaching your goals.

Rebuilding Milo is the culmination of Dr. Horschig’s life’s work as a sports physical therapist, certified strength and conditioning specialist, and Olympic weightlifting coach. It contains all of the knowledge he has amassed over the past decade while helping some of the best athletes in the world. Now he wants to share that knowledge with you. This book, designed by a strength athlete for anyone who spends time in the weight room, is the solution to your struggles with injury and pain. It walks you through simple tests and screens to uncover the movement problem at the root of your pain. After discovering the cause of your injury, you’ll be able to create an individualized rehab program as laid out in this book. Finally, you’ll be on the right path to eliminate your pain and return to the activities you love.

40 reviews for Rebuilding Milo: A Lifter’s Guide to Fixing Common Injuries and Building a Strong Foundation for Enhancing Performance

  1. Dr Willard Johnson (verified owner)

    Outstanding resource! Vital for serious strength athletes, and their trainers and care providers. Too many books on athletic injuries are focused strictly on rehabilitation of traumatic injuries. But most athletes are plagued by more chronic conditions. This book explains how to evaluate where the problems originate, and details exactly how to resolve the underlying issue.

    I am a chiropractic physician with over 30 years in practice. I’m also a competitive powerlifter, with 3 National Championship titles, and multiple state titles. I have read so, so many books on sports injuries. This book is unique in its field. Thanks so much!

  2. Eugene Kim (verified owner)

    Received the book and it’s amazing. For someone who deals with nagging issues all the time, this is the perfect tool to address my minor issues as they come along.

    My only qualm right now is that getting any sort of communication regarding the purchase price is non-existent. I purchased the book at the original price but saw from Aaron’s posts on IG that I would only get charged the discounted pre-order price. I was charged the full amount and have not received any feedback regarding my confusion related to this.

  3. josh j (verified owner)

    I am blown away by this book. I have had shoulder issues and lumbar back issues as well. Over 100 pages JUST ON THE LOW BACK!!! Extremely in-depth, and you can tell that the author’s goal is to not only ID your problem, but help you fix it, and UNDERSTAND why you are doing what you are doing. In all honesty, this book after 2 hours has been more help than 2 MRIs, countless Dr. visits, and 2 PT teams has ever been to me. I feel more equipped to deal with aches, pains, and injuries by myself. 10/10

  4. . (verified owner)

    The book is perfect. Coming off a major back surgery I was terrified of messing up my recovery efforts, or worse, re-injuring myself after having to take off from lifting for the better part of a year. Not only does this book help with common athletic injuries, it provides you the ability to program your recovery confidently from more serious ones. I can’t thank the author enough, he prevented the worst injury of them all… to my pride if I would of had to become an elliptical only person because of so many nagging injuries.

  5. Karine Tran (verified owner)

    “Rebuilding Milo” is a book everyone, who loves human movement should have. If you ever follow, Squat University on instagram or Youtube, than you will understand that the information, Dr. Aaron puts out is informative and easy to understand. His videos and blogs, I believe, helps people want to move better and encourages people to stay active. This book is doing that as well .

    A lot of the times when you read anatomy, biomechanical, or physical therapy textbook, it can be super overwhelming because the material can be so dense. I think his approach to teaching human anatomy and movement while referencing strength activities, helps others become more receptive and interested in learning about human movement and how to move optimally. In addition, I believe it allows others to embrace strength activities/ exercises such as the snatch and squats in Olympic Weightlifting or pistol squats or even dead bug exercises, which can be intimidating.

  6. Josue Jimenez (a-broken) (verified owner)

    As a medical and fitness professional, I like to have a very holistic approach to the health and improvement of my patients and client. Dr. Horschig vision of fixing errors rather than treating symptoms should be commonplace in all faces of health promotion and fitness, but it is an understated outlier. By focusing on what is wrong rather than what ails, Dr. Horschig provides everyone, from the layman to the professional, a blueprint to identify the most common issues that occur with weightlifting and strength training, and gives you a step by step approach at how to overcome them and improve on your capabilities as an athlete. This book is a must along with his first book, The Squat University, for all fitness and wellness professionals.

  7. Abigail (verified owner)

    This book is absolutely necessary to anyone who EVER steps foot in the gym in any way and certainly for any athlete. As an independent professional wrestler who has sustained a number of injuries and can’t afford great medical,this book has helped me with a TON of problems I’ve had. Of course it can’t heal you or replace a doctor,but this book has educated me on the things I need to do to stay as healthy as possible.

    A+++ Also follow them on IG at Squat university for very helpful videos!

  8. Jonah Heiser (verified owner)

    As a future DPT, this book offers the benefits of being able to restore your body back to functionality and even help others. The book offers approaches to resolve injuries through patience and becoming aware of imbalances you might develop. If you care about your body then definitely invest in this book. I also suggest pairing Rebuilding Milo with Becoming a Supple Leopard, these two books tie in the mobility suppleness to prevent injuries and then the corrective exercises to prevent and overcome injuries. Overall, these books will be fundamental to my future career as Physical Therapist.

  9. Eric (verified owner)

    As a lifter and upcoming physical therapy student, this book is a great source of reference when regarding common injuries that occur from training. There’s been many times I’ve had nagging injuries that have set me back in the gym or have caused me to take a break from training. Google is an easy way to look up problems and try to find solutions but a lot of what you find is very generic. Rebuilding Milo offers information about the muscle groups, the common injuries associated, and then provides exercise for screening and solutions. If anyone follows Dr. Horshig’s account Squat University on instagram, it has a collection of what he posts on that account but with further information and in depth detail. Highly recommend

  10. AutoMotivate<span class="a-icon a-profile-verified-badge"><span class="a-profile-verified-text"></span></span> (verified owner)

    I Used to be a personal trainer with a focus in shoulder pain.
    Everyone who is into fitness should read this book!

    I feel like I see so many people at the gym doing bad form and which they finish their lift they touch their shoulder in pain, likewise with their hips.
    This book will help.

    Everyone is into the influencer workouts, yet influencers do not teach proper form, instead they teach “cool” exercises that might hurt you.
    This book will help.

    If you have an imbalnces, hip shifts, crooked benches, or you just feel wonky THIS BOOK WILL HELP.

    Above all, this book is amazing for personal trainers.
    If you want to be well educated on rehab, that NASM skimps on then this book will indeed help.

    Aaron and his co-author makes it so easy to flip through pages and find exactly what you need in seconds.

  11. Allan Watton (verified owner)

    This book is a good set of insights by the author as to how to recover from strength training injuries quickly.

  12. Tiffany (verified owner)

    Loving this book so much, I have started taking it with me to the gym as my recovery bible. I am in the process of using the exercises and stretches to recover an injury I have had for over a year and will update on any changes. I love the fact that there are explanations as well as easy to follow diagrams so anyone can both learn a little more about the names and features of the anatomy as well as understand which parts of the body the author is referring to. Can’t wait to see what results I will have in a month or two!

  13. Des R Mothe (verified owner)

    Was a birthday wish gift, seem to be very pleased.

  14. joshua (verified owner)

    This book is a great read if you really want to learn and pin point common ailments that occure due to lifting. The read is a little dry and you may need to read through it a few times to truly understand it all, but it is a great information resource.

    Very informative.
    Will teach you how to not only trouble shoot ,but fix and strengthen problem areas.
    Well written.

    Kind of dry read, but that comes with territory.

  15. Carmen (verified owner)

    The book is really beautiful and definitely helpful.

  16. Charles Pickett (verified owner)

    This book is amazing. I’m just a casual lifter, emphasizing on strength, who does industrial maintenance for a living. Every ache or nagging pain is usually as a result of hard training sessions and inadequate recovery or stretching. Thanks to this book, I’ve both found the causes for my discomfort and fixed it. This book is a God send for anyone who takes training seriously and trys to rehab their own injuries (within reason). From stretches all the way to the anatomy and physiology. Amazing book.

  17. Donald Fox (verified owner)

    This book is an excellent purchase for any fitness coach out there . In addition to Dr. Horschig’s Squat University IG page, this book has helped me become a better CrossFit coach. It has taught me what proper movement looks like and how to screen for deficiencies in athlete movement . I’ve been able to help athletes resolve minor pain issues and simply free up their ROMs to get into better positions (i.e squats).

    The look of surprise, shock, and appreciation in my athletes makes coaching even more worth it as I help spread the gospel of proper movement .

    I know I am no trained PT and rehab programs are way out of my purview. But the simple movement screens , mobility exercises, and the test retest method (and a thanks to Kelly Starret for that) are easy enough for me to teach my athletes so they are better equipped to see how to screen for and treat their minor aches and pains . This makes them better at movement and makes me a better coach.

    Again, thank you Dr.Horschig

  18. Jesse (verified owner)

    After countless doctor and chiropractor appointments that left me with ZERO answers and pain relief, I thought I would give this book a try. It did NOT disappoint. Finally someone who not only understands my pain, but someone who can fix it! The best book ever. I cannot put it down. I wish all doctors had this mind set of fixing the actual problem, and not just covering it up with medication and such! Outstanding.

  19. Maria Gazin (verified owner)

    This book is awesome! Coincidentally, I ordered it and then hurt my back doing olympic lifts… so it couldn’t have come at a better time. I am utilizing all of the techniques that Dr. Aaron included in this book to rehab my back/entire body and I am LOVING it! Even though I’ve been training myself for over a decade and others for half a decade, this is the first time it really sunk in how important and intricate building a solid foundation is. Although my back is what was injured, every single chapter is extremely relevant and I’ve learned so much.

    Thanks, Dr. Aaron!!

  20. Marika (verified owner)

    Très bon livre mais il était usé

  21. Zachary Marinov (verified owner)

    Useful information. Could be presented more clearly but it’s a very good reference.

  22. jakob wagner (verified owner)

    Very helpful Info

  23. William E. Duncan (verified owner)

    I have one copy on my bookshelf and one to loan out. It’s a great volume for the weekend warrior with chronic joint injuries.

  24. Koral Sugiyama (verified owner)

    I loved the book so much I bought a second one and gifted it to my in-laws. I appreciate how it’s separated into the different body parts so I can just flip to the section that’s bothering me. Being able to do the tests at home with exercises to rehab the problem helps me feel more in control of my physical fitness

  25. Mr. Mahmoud Maatouk (verified owner)

    I got it to learn and help my clients.
    I can’t tell you how much knowledge you will gain that will help you and your clients.
    A great book to learn from.

  26. Rem (verified owner)

    10/10 would highly recommend

  27. James Tharpe (verified owner)

    This book is very easy to understand, and practical to apply in many situations. My only complaint is that I wish it covered more.

  28. John Laughbaum (verified owner)

    Big fan of the YouTube Channel.. This textbook is brevitously informative, concise with procedures and pictures and extremely comprehensive with step by step means of assessment, application, re-assessment. As a Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, and Chiro/PT Assistant – this is everything I could have hoped for after surging through the Squat University Channel all these years. Can’t wait to have this book highlighted and marked! This book is up there with Starting Strength! Loving the read so far. I cannot wait to help further people’s help with this new Weltanshauung

  29. Kyle S. (verified owner)

    Rebuilding Milo by Dr. Aaron Horschig is a fascinating and insightful book that explores the science behind strength training and how to optimize performance in strength sports. In addition to that, he showcases methods for individuals to repair mobility issues in various areas such as shoulders, hips, ankles, back, and more. Dr. Horschig’s methods are simple and well defined through various picture series within the book. They are also backed with solid reference material to how those methods were developed, who helped to create them, and how he came to utilize them as a foundation for his physical therapy.

    This book has helped to improve my hip and back mobility following surgery. It has also helped me to learn a variety of methods for self improvement to help build up injury prevention tactics for future training.

  30. Chris (verified owner)

    Incredibly informative and helpful. I’ve been able to address a number of mobility and stability issues with the help of this book and my joints are grateful.

  31. Melvin Chan (verified owner)

    One of my favourite and most useful book. The big three strength exercises for the back injury suggested by Dr Aaron Horschig has helped me tremendously. Recently, a Singapore physiotherapist has also taught me how to engage my core. I find that many people still experiences lower back pain despite the strength exercises they have done because they do not know how to engage the core and how a good posture should feel and look like. Hence if the book can incorporate guidance on how to hold a proper posture daily and how to engage the core, it will be perfect for people with lower back issues.

  32. Frank Bedwell James (verified owner)

    The content is high quality, easy to understand and the exercises really work!

  33. Azucena Gonzalez (verified owner)

    I love this book, use it to help with myself and have a better understanding of my clients.

  34. Nasif (verified owner)

    As a trainer starting out.. this book is very helpful for treating muscle injuries and how to avoid them using proper techniques while working out. Highly recommended.

  35. Alberto (verified owner)

    Muchas gracias esta excelente

  36. Books (verified owner)

    I really enjoyed reading this book and then creating and exercise program.

    2 weeks after starting this is the most stable and pain free my shoulder, neck and knees have been for 30 years

    As an ex weightlifter who has carried injuries for my my whole adult life, I really thought I was going to be like this forever. Now I know how to get my strength, stability and life back on track.

    Thank you, it is worth every penny. 5 stars!!!

  37. Just a guy and his family (verified owner)

    Serious. If you want to avoid long-term damage after competitive sports, just buy this book! The author provides details for each position needed for rehab of key parts of your body. I’m now thinking of flying out to book some sessions with him.

  38. Donna Joy Radford (verified owner)

    Hopefully has ideas to handle sports injuries.

  39. Tonia Henry (verified owner)

    I’ve read other reviews from some athletes and medical professionals, so for someone like myself who does fitness for enjoyment rather than competition, I felt confident that this book would provide necessary and helpful information on common injuries, rehab, and prevention. Within a few days, I’m already about halfway through it, and I’ll definitely be referring back to it as Dr. Horshig’s clips on Instagram have already helped me immensely.

    I did get the book at a slight discount and it was obviously because it was a returned copy that someone else had used (the cover and plastic sleeve are slightly worn), but that didn’t matter to me as the inside and pages are completely fine.

  40. Mikehunt (verified owner)

    Only thing it’s missing is NECK. no info on neck injuries 🙁

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