Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice – Pina Books
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Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice
The 100-Hour Postgraduate Course

The 100 Hour Course will help you learn AK at home. Applied Kinesiology Clinical Practice Course! You can watch the whole seminar in one or several chapters. Dr. Eugene Charles—author of Journey To Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology—worked with a professional studio to enhance the home learning experience, while keeping the feel of being at the seminar. Order NOW to get all 8 Workbooks plus an additional AK Muscle testing Booklet (a $200 value).

“Applied Kinesiology’s time has truly come! Journey to Healing shows you how AK can improve your life and restore you to true health. Hopefully, practitioners will heed the call to study this compelling book and this groundbreaking modality that utilizes a broad spectrum of noninvasive diagnostic and treatment protocols to restore maximum function to your body.” ~Carolyn Dean MD, ND is the author of Magnesium Miracle

“Thank you for teaching this course and for your dedication to furthering chiropractic.” ~John Thomas Giudice, D.C.

“I would like to thank you for not only changing my practice but for changing my life and my way of thinking.” ~Dr. Cooley, D.C.

“Dr. Charles is the best presenter of AK that I have come across.I love the way that you bring the material down to an everyday trench war-fare style, while at the same time bringing in the mental/spiritual aspects of what it takes to get the patient well.”~Dr. Mike Izquierdo

Check out how applied kinesiology helped chiropractors to be part of the US Olympic Medical Team

Download immediately Dr. Eugene Charles – Applied Kinesiology in Clinical Practice100-Hour Course

Course Syllabus

Session 1

Basic muscle testing. Muscle inhibition: Causes Advanced Muscle Manipulation Techniques for Sports Injuries, Trauma and Other Conditions. “Vertebral Challenging” To determine the best vector of correction for spinal subluxations. Trigger Point Therapies. Nutritional Analysis using muscle test. Prostaglandins, essential fatty acids, and prostaglandins are useful in reducing inflammation and pain.

Session 2

Spinal fixation patterns which affect the entire spinal cord—“pinched nervous system” As opposed to a “pinched nerve.” Postural analysis can be used to detect muscle imbalances. Subluxations of the lumbar region, lumbar and lumbar faces, safe and effective treatment with discs, correction of pelvic torque using SOT blocks. Piriformis syndrome—which most of your patients who work at a desk have—diagnosis and treatment for persistent cases of sciatica and Low Back Pain.

Session 3

Theory of cranial movement. Cranial faults: signs and symptoms, diagnosis and correction—to help people with headaches, vision problems, digestive issues, concussions and more. Precise Cervical Adjustments plus psycho-Motor speed drills for best correction Temporal sphenoidal lines palpation to detect hidden problems

Session 4

Gait analysis to uncover a patient’s problem by simply watching them walk. Hidden cervical problems can mimic strokes or cervical disc injuries. Hip, knee, ankle, foot disorders—ankle sprains, pronation, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, bunions, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and how to use muscle testing to assess optimal orthotics and heel lifts.

Session 5

Introduction to acupuncture/meridian system Elbow, wrist, hand disorders—carpal tunnel syndrome, pisiform hamate syndrome, tennis / golfer’s elbow—and more.

Session 6

TMJ Imbalances: The most neurologically important joint in Your body. Review of Cranial Therapy. Problems with shoulder muscles (rotator, thoracic outlet syndromes, slipped bilateral tendon, frozen shoulders, etc.), Emotional techniques (phobias, self-sabotage.), Neurological Disorganization Syndrome (NDS) correction to help people suffering from anxiety, ADHD and other learning disabilities. Video below

Session 7

Complex acupuncture / meridian imbalances. Functional endocrine disorders—Insomnia, PMS, Infertility, Thyroid issues, Blood sugar disorders, Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome, Erectile Dysfunction (NOTE: Dr. Charles he has advanced techniques in ED. You can view this material and contact us to get his latest findings.

Session 8

Treatments for AK visceral corrections—Ileocecal valve, Diaphragm issues, Advanced Lymphatic drainage technique, Organ Prolapse, Gastric Reflux/Hiatal Hernia/GERD, Constipation, Irritable bowel, Pain Management Procedures.

*The Session will conclude with a thorough recapitulation of how to most effectively utilize the vast amount of material in The 100 Hour Course


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