The Squat Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Squat and Finding Your True Strength – Pina Books
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As a physical therapist, coach, and certified strength and conditioning specialist, Dr. Aaron Horschig began to notice the same patterns in athletes over and over. Many of them seemed to pushed themselves as athletes in the same ways they push themselves out in the real world.

Living in a performance-based society, Dr. Horschig saw many athletes who seemed to not only want to be bigger and stronger but to get there faster. This mentality ultimately led to injuries and setbacks, preventing athletes from reaching their full potential.

Now, after developing unique and easy-to-use techniques on how to train and move well, Dr. Horschig shares his invaluable insights with readers in The Squat Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Squat and Finding Your True Strength.

This detailed plan enables you to unearth the various weak spots within your body—the areas that leave you in pain and hinder your ability to perform—and completely change your approach to athleticism. Discover new strength, new power, and astounding potential you never knew you possessed.

As the founder of, Dr. Horschig knows that when you transform the way you work out, you transform your body—and your life.

45 reviews for The Squat Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Squat and Finding Your True Strength

  1. Dieter Olson (verified owner)

    Perfect blend of content and readability. The book is 125 pages, but stuffed with content. By focusing only on the squat the author gives himself plenty of room to elaborate on important points and to adequately explain the value of each principle along the way. I love a book that doesn’t shy away from telling you why, and in The Squat Bible this is addressed in a way that is readable and the complex concepts seem simple.

  2. Justin (verified owner)

    We’ve all heard of how important technique is in lifting weights…finally…Dr. Horschig sets us straight and breaks down the SQUAT in a fundamental and scientific way. This book will change your thinking on the importance of the squat in your life. As a Texas high school strength and conditioning & football coach, this is a must have for anyone who desires to take their personal ability or professional knowledge of exercise to the next level!

  3. Vincent Roberto (verified owner)

    Dr. Aaron Horschig, founder of Squat University, provides a lot of great information in this book. As someone who is in the field of Exercise Science, I’m always striving to improve my knowledge and often find myself delving into new books in order to gain more depth and understanding of the human body as it relates to strength, conditioning, functionality, etc. Dr. Horschig, in addition to being a physical therapist, is an athlete him self and treats various athletes as well. In fact, many of the athletes he has worked with have had many issues in common, inspiring him to write this book. The best aspect of the book is that it is supported by evidence and research, and explained in a way that is digestible. I recommend!

  4. Jeff Gordon (verified owner)

    As a previous reviewer stated this book doesn’t present any new information. Most of it is taken from Kelly Starret,Gray Cook,Mike Boyle and Stu McGill. However the content is packaged and summarized well making it an appropriate guide for new trainers and people interested in mastering their squat, and that’s my reason for the 4 star rating.

  5. Alberto (verified owner)

    This book is extremely game changing to my squat routine! not only did it enhance my performance on the squats but it properly gives the readers knowledge of what it means to truly squat and get rid of ego lifting. Proper steps to relieve common squat injuries and how to prevent them! Dr. Aaron Horschig is my inspiration to become a better massage therapist and to be a physical therapist like him one day! Extremely high ROI!

  6. krijali (verified owner)

    This book is worth the read. It breaks down the movement in both intuitive and scientific ways in order to provide a clear and realistic means for analysis by coaches as well as personal development by athletes.

    Plus, the bit of science in the last chapter is totally worth it as a quick introduction to kinematic systems.

  7. Lydia J (verified owner)

    Excellent techniques that have really helped my squats. Didn’t love the writing style but good in-depth explanations and photos.

  8. Michele (verified owner)

    This book was amazing. I had slipped a disc in January 2015 and the book really helped me understand which squats put less force on my lower back and how to strengthen my core to help me improve my performances. This book was also really an easy read with alot of information. Definitely recommend this to anyone who is interested in the field or improving their form and stability and mobility overall.

  9. Joshua A. (verified owner)

    This book belongs in every gym in the world. One of my professors in college always said the best books come in small packages. Even though this book is short; it is very straight to the point. As a professional trainer, I don’t believe you need anymore than the Squat Bible by Dr. Aaron Horschig to correct any problems you have with your squat. Just read it through and through and you will find success by applying all the techniques and procedures outlined in the book. One of my best quotes “…movement before an exercise.”

  10. MZ (verified owner)

    Aporta información y conocimientos muy interesantes para el desarrollo de la sentadilla. Lectura recomendable muy recomendable para mejorar l técnica.

  11. Ivan Duldulao (verified owner)

    Educate yourself. Pick this up and move with the right information. Explore differences and balance imbalances. I’m a level 1 thinker and this level 10 (1-10 scale) read continues to enlighten me. Make the choice to read and move, then move and read and so on and so forth. Mahalo Dr. Horschig for your passion to move the masses. Your IG feed also keeps us moving in the right direction. Mahalo!

  12. Kody Sauser (verified owner)

    Some of what is said in this book is a bit dogmatic if I do say so, when it comes to feet facing forward in a bodyweight squat. I’ll keep working on mobility but not sure I’ll ever get to that point. Otherwise though all the information is good stuff and I use it often.

  13. LiftingDogMom (verified owner)

    This book has really helped my squat performance. I’m still not lifting as much weight as I would like but I’m not ego lifting anymore. Im using the information in the book to lift with proper form, to fix mobility issues and to avoid injuries. I’d recommend this book to anyone who wants to squat properly and, eventually, with heavy weight. I look forward to more work from Dr. Horschig.

  14. Matt (verified owner)

    Good book. Solid info but nothing ground breaking. You might be better off checking out his YouTube channel. It’s got all the same stuff in the book with demos.

  15. dippydeaner (verified owner)

    I am writing a 5 star review not only of the book he wrote but the tremendous follow up he has undertaken on Instagram, Twitter, his new Squat University Podcast and on his own website. The book gives a great introduction to the technical ways to properly do a squat and its benefits. It goes through a lot of the most commonly found problems and their solutions. However because squatting is a movement sometimes static pictures don’t do it justice, which is where his online content is so useful as you can watch his examples in short video clips. I’ve even tweeted him about issues I’ve had with my own squats and hes personally replied back. That’s Awesome!

    As I get older I realize how important it is to financially support products you appreciate. Could you be cheap and only read his online content? Sure. But I value his work and insight and his help he has given myself and others, so I wanna make sure the man gets paid and this is the most effective way I know how. Dr. Horschig has done a great job in helping us in the gym begin to master one of the most fundamental movements we need for success, and it’s because of that I give my highest reccomendation.

  16. Jonas Oberröhrmann (verified owner)

    The book gives the basics to squatting and a nice background about self-checks, mobility and stretching for the squat.
    All in all a nice read, propably a must read for someone who wants to improve his squat.

  17. Joshua Carrinton (verified owner)

    No matter your skill level this book is a must have for any one who squats (which should be everyone). Aaron breaks everything down so its easy to understand, pictures to illustrate, and includes the mechanisms on why it works. It’s not very in depth for advanced lifters, but it is a good book to study and keep around.

  18. Zachary Dangel (verified owner)

    I liked the history sections a lot, explaining why people think what they do about squatting. As someone who always has to argue for the deep squat with people, this book helps make it a completely educated discussion.

  19. c1ipp3 (verified owner)

    Dr Aaron Horschig is perhaps the most important follow on Instagram, given his genuinely helpful advice. I purchased this bible as much just to support him as anything else, but found it to be a handy and knowledge-filled reference.

  20. Karina (verified owner)

    Important information that helps you to know and understand your body, so you can be able to improve your squat! Dr. Horschig explains clearly, point by point all the fundamentals to master the squat. I have some mobility uses so I texted him with some questions about it and he always replies back! That is priceless!!!

  21. Paul (verified owner)

    Wow wow wow…. I have read books before, but this one takes the informative cake! This books goes in-depth and break down the body and bow tie the High,low, and back squat together beautifully. This book is a must have for anyone looking to take their squat mechanics to a much higher level, oh and by the way it’s not just squat mechanics but body mechanics as well as injury prevention and recovery… if you are a serious lifter or coach get this book…LETS GO!!

  22. Salcinicus (verified owner)

    This is actually one of the best books on the subject. I find it more in depth than starting strength, and more user friendly compared to many of the squat books out there. Great work.

  23. Ethan B. (verified owner)

    This book is so easy to read and understand for the every day lifter. I only wish I would’ve found it years earlier. I plan on implementing these techniques daily!

  24. Mike (verified owner)

    I’m studying to become a person trainer and with reading this at the same time it just made so much since and now I’m constantly spotting flaws when im at the gym now. I loved reading this book.

  25. Oneil Barr (verified owner)

    Great book!

  26. Luca (verified owner)

    Lettura interessante. Il testo è scritto in inglese ma comprensibile e scorrevole.
    Il contenuto ruota tutto intorno allo squat, inteso come movimento umano e come esercizio. La didattica esecutiva dello squat è essenziale e per chi lavora nel settore fitness probabilmente si ritroverà a leggere cose già note e sviscerate da molteplici autori. Molto interessanti invece i numerosi consigli relativi alle possibili correzioni, tramite esercizi specifici, foam roller e mobilità, degli errori che uno può fare nello squat.
    In ogni caso rimane un testo assolutamente meritevole di essere letto e imprescindibile per chi opera nel settore.

  27. Stephanie (verified owner)

    Repetitive of his blog but still good content

  28. Stiller (verified owner)

    This is truly the book to read. Squat University is no nonsense. This guide fixed 35yrs of mistakes in foot use, flexibility and increased my overall strength without pain. A true guide for any fitness enthusiast

  29. ChesapeakeFan (verified owner)

    Great breakdown on the squatting position, as well as lots of mobility concepts for prehab and rehab if your squat sucks. This guy is a top authority on this stuff

  30. GEBEC2012 (verified owner)

    Excellent breakdown of the mechanics of squatting and how to assess & fix your limitations. A must-read for any weightlifter or someone who is learning how to lift.

  31. LUIS ALVARO CLEMENTE SÁNCHEZ (verified owner)

    La lectura de libro es muy amena, y de verdad puede ayudar con problemas físicos. info muy valiosa.

  32. Badger family (verified owner)

    I have been having trouble with my squats, specifically I could not squat deeply, and my knees hurt. This book provides detailed instructions on proper technique for bodyweight squats, piston squats, and barbell squats. It also addresses why I was having trouble (my ankles and hips) and provides specific exercises and stretches to remedy the weaknesses. I can already see and feel improvements in my squats. Highly recommend.

  33. Kyle Chester (verified owner)

    Absolutely loved this book! It was an easy read because it felt like he was just talking to you. He did a great job explaining the fundamentals of the squat as well as ways to address mobility and stability. This is by far one of my favorite books I’ve read. This book is a must buy!

  34. Jessica Rosazza (verified owner)

    This book breaks down the fundamentals of the squat. More than that, it describes some of the basic principles of kinesiology in a user friendly manner.

  35. Bill Kirchner (verified owner)

    Excellent instructions on the varieties of squat exercises and how to approach the lift regardless of level of expertise. Very readable and easy to apply. Essential book for weight lifting.

  36. Daniel Heymann (verified owner)

    I like the thoroughness of this book. Helped break down the squat as a movement, not just a “lift.” Real game changer for all.


  37. Ka Ming (verified owner)

    I find the book very useful !

  38. Naz (verified owner)

    The content was good, easy to read, and flows well. If you follow him on his social, all the points made there, make more sense after reading the book.

  39. Tanner Carmack (verified owner)

    I’m a Personal Trainer and I can single handedly say that Dr. Aaron Horschig has taught me more than another other coach or teacher EVER has! I owe the success of my Business to him and everything I’ve learned from this book and his Channel “Squat University”.

  40. Francesca T. (verified owner)

    Libro fondamentale per chi si occupa di fitness. Purtroppo la rilegatura è scadente e le pagine si staccano.

  41. Ryan Mark Naidoo (verified owner)

    A movement we all need to master

  42. Zeyad Al-Hakim (verified owner)

    I am someone that doesn’t know much about physical therapy or injuries but I’ve had so many and they hold me back so much, so I decided I had to do something. Squat University on YouTube was always helpful, so I got Dr Horschigs book.

    Man, I am beyond impressed. I studied this book, took notes, and applied the content. I’ve analyzed my squat and that lead to way more analyses. I understand why my posture is bad, why my right knee hurts, how I’ve been moving wrong, why my thoracic spine always cracks, why it’s hard for to lift overhead, why my right foot is rotated outward, and so much more.

    Best part is, I did a few of the exercises and my symptoms IMMEDIATELY improved. I have mobility restrictions and injuries everywhere from years of beating myself up and this knowledge has been healing my body so quickly. Thank God for this book, Dr Horschig, and my body. Praise be to God! Thank you Dr Horschig! Write more!!!! Now off to study rebuilding milo….

  43. Heather (verified owner)

    I really liked The Squat Bible. I am rebuilding my body from 5 years of debilitating inflammatory arthritis and this book was recommended to me by a nurse friend with a background in exercise physiology as a great place to start so I can rebuild carefully and lessen the risk of injury as I go which has been my limiting factor each time I try to rebuild. I am no stranger to physical therapy, exercise and weight training with several running races, mini triathlons and years of weight training under my belt before the arthriths broke me down and still I had several “a-ha” moments througout the book, one was realizing that even when simply squatting down to pick up something from the floor, it’s important to use proper form and posture to complete. I have begun to make changes in my every day movements and during exercise to train my body to move effectively, safely and correctly and I have noticed less knee pain already! I feel this book has given me a really good base of information, including simple tests that I can perform to see where my limitations lie and then work to improve them. I recommend any athete to read this, it’s full of injury prevention and exercise optimization information. Rebuilding Milo is another book by the same author and it’s my next stop in my sports education/rehabilitation journey!

  44. Kyle S. (verified owner)

    The Squat Bible” by Dr. Aaron Horschig is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their squat technique, prevent injuries, and increase their strength. Dr. Horschig, a physical therapist and strength coach, provides a comprehensive guide to the squat exercise, covering everything from anatomy and biomechanics to mobility and technique.

    The book is well-organized and easy to follow, with clear explanations and illustrations throughout. Dr. Horschig begins by discussing the importance of proper form and the potential risks of incorrect technique. He then goes on to cover the various aspects of the squat, including foot position, depth, and bar placement.

    One of the strengths of the book is its focus on mobility and flexibility, with a variety of exercises and stretches provided to help improve range of motion and prevent injuries. Dr. Horschig also includes a section on common squatting mistakes and how to correct them, as well as programming recommendations for both beginners and advanced lifters.

    Overall, “The Squat Bible” is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their squat technique and performance. Dr. Horschig’s expertise as a physical therapist and strength coach shines through in his clear and concise explanations, and the book is a valuable addition to any lifter’s library. Highly recommended.

  45. David L. Burdett (verified owner)

    Muy interesante

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